Saturday, June 04, 2005


"My dear friends, you must keep a tender, close walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of us lose our peace by our careless walk; something or other gets between Christ and us and we fall into darkness. Something or other steals our hearts from God and grieves the Holy Spirit, who leaves us to ourselves. Let me, therefore, exhort you who have found peace with God, to take care that you do not lose this peace.

I have paid dearly for backsliding! Our hearts are so wicked that if you fail to keep a constant watch, your wicked heart will deceive you and draw you aside. How sad to come under the lash of a correcting Father! Recall the experiences of Job, David and other saints in the Scriptures.

I am grieved with the casual spiritual walk of some professing Christians. There is little difference between them and other people that I scarcely know which is the true Christian. Such Christians are afraid to speak for God; they run with the crowd and talk of the world as if they were in their element. This you did not do when you first discovered Christ's love! When the candle of the Lord first shined upon your soul, you could talk forever of Christ's love. There was a time when you had something to say for your dear Lord, but today, although you can speak of worldly things boldly enough, you are afraid of being laughed at if you speak for Jesus Christ.

Take care not to be conformed to the world! What have Christians to do with the world? You should be singularly good and bold for your Lord, so that everyone who sees you may take note that you have been with Jesus." from the writings of the famed preacher, George Whitefield

Taken from HOW GREAT THOU ART . . . a daily devotional published by Multnomah.

Good words to ponder as you prepare your heart for the Lord's Day.

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