Sunday, June 12, 2005


Spending time with our grandson, Tanner, this week will be very special. He is the cutest baby I have ever seen. Not that sounds like a proud, boastful Grampy :) Yesterday I was making noises with my mouth and he liked that. Funny how we do stupid things with babies . . . I wonder what is going through their minds as they watch these grown-ups and their antics!

Tanner likes when I stick my finger in my mouth and use my finger to make a popping sound with my cheek. He watched me do this several times and then started moving his mouth trying to imitate the sound. In time, he will make the connection that he needs his finger to make the sound. By observing and watching me, sooner or later he will imitate me and be able to do it on his own.

The Apostle Paul encouraged the church at Ephesus to be imitators of God. One of the ways that we can imitate God, is to observe the life of Christ. What did Jesus do in stressful situations? How did he treat people? How did he relate to His Father?

Ephesians 5:1-2
1 Therefore, be imitators of God, as dearly loved children. 2 And walk in love, as the Messiah also loved us and gave Himself for us, a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God.

The way to imitate Christ is to watch and observe His life. Read through the Gospel of John and observe His life. Meditate of the precepts and principles you observe. Journal what you have observed and then practice them in your life. It is a good exercise that you can do on the Lord's
Day. Grab your Bible, pen and journal and spend some time in the Word. It will be a great way to begin your week.

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