Sunday, June 19, 2005


I have a hard time with Father's Day! I'm being honest with you. I can make it through most holidays, but this one is tough for me. I walked by the card section at Wal-Mart this week and saw all the Father's Day cards. I got a lump in my throat and my eyes filled with tears as I was
reminded that my Dad is in heaven. He is enjoying Father's Day with the REAL Father. How awesome!

I am amazed at the number of men that I have met that have little or no communication with their earthly fathers. Some of you have been through painful times with your Dads, and that makes this day a tough one for you as well. Some of us have been hurt by our Dads and have allowed bitterness to turn into hardened hearts. That robs and sucks the joy out of your life. Your Heavenly Father wants to heal that broken relationship and restore it! The prophet Malachi talked about this day in Malachi 4:6 -- "He will turn the hearts of the fathers to his
children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers . . ."

Today can be a day of new beginnings -- ask your HEAVENLY FATHER to turn your heart towards your earthly father. Purpose in your heart to pick up the phone and call your Dad. Wish him a "Happy Father's Day." Honor your Dad and thank God for him.

Have a great Father's Day.

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