Sunday, May 01, 2005


"It's more giving than receiving . . ." so writes Anne Ortlund in her book, UP WITH WORSHIP.
"Back in the Old Testament days, it was clear to see that worship meant giving. You came to the tabernacle with your offering in your hand or in your arms, perhaps lugging or dragging it. It might have been wheat or oil, but often is was sheep or goat or a young bull.
Worship and giving blurred and blended. In fact, God told the Jewish people, ' No one is to appear before me empty-handed.' (Exodus 34:20)
David wrote, 'At his tabernacle will I sacrifice,' and it was to be truly a sacrifice. No sick sheep or lame cows; his gift had to be in perfect condition -- something he'd like to have kept for himself. When David was once offered a 'freebie' to use as a sacrifice, he wouldn't take it (2 Samuel 24:24). The point of the sacrifice was to give up by faith in order to see God supply -- and so give him pleasure.
This is what worship still means today. Hebrews 13:15 says, 'Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise
-- the fruit of our lips that confess his name.' The praise is to be continuous, which sometimes means inconvenient. It will take effort to be with your local family of God Sunday by Sunday, lifting up 'together'
Sometimes you can be critically busy -- when every minute of the day is precious -- to get something done. Well, drag that lamb of two hours'
time, and come to God's house.
Sometimes you may be drained of emotion. Just the same, drag that lamb of verbalized praise to church, and offer it there.
Sometimes you'll be low on finances. Get together your sacrificial gift, and drag that Lamb to the Lord's house. You say you don't GET anything out of church? Well HE'S supposed to, more than you! Bring to him your consistent, sacrificial gift of worship! Drag that lamb!"
Good words to ponder on this first Sunday of May . . .
Coming soon . . . VICTORY CALL . . . a five day note of encouragement for women (Monday-Friday). Watch for details! Freedom Fighters is a daily ministry of America's KESWICK . . . where God speaks to hearts and transforms lives!"

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