Friday, May 06, 2005


"God in His mercy does not keep us alive because of some mission we have to perform, but rather because He desires to reveal Himself to us on earth in ways impossible in heaven.
We are not left here on earth because we have a job to do, but because we have a God to know. And because knowing Him is the purpose of our existence here, we need not frustrate ourselves trying to identify our slot of service or qualifying gifts.
You remain on earth to know God. If your heart is set on knowing Him, all else will fall into place. Every experience in our lives is necessary preparation for the revelation of Him! Do not get caught up in an activity that promises spiritual fulfillment. Do not be deceived. Far more than any job to do, far more than any work to accomplish, we have a
great God to know!" from LETTERS TO THE THIRSTY ... For Vision, For
Life, For Rest, by Ed Miller published by our good friends at Waterbrook Press.
Need a great Mother's Day gift? Why not send you wife and/or Mom to our Spring Ladies Day on Wednesday, May 18th. Our special speaker will be Nancy Mankins. See our website for details or call today to make
reservations. 800-453-7942.

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