Tuesday, February 22, 2005


"Grace means that God does something for me; law means that I do something for God. God has certain holy and righteous demands which He places upon me: that is law. Now if law means that God requires something of me for their fulfillment, then deliverance from law means that He no longer requires that from me, but HIMSELF provides it. Law implies that God requires me to do something for Him; deliverance from law implies that He exempts me from doing it, and that in grace He does it Himself. I NEED DO NOTHING FOR GOD; that is deliverance from the law." -- Watchman Nee

Bible Teacher, Steve McVey reminds us "what a relief to discover that God isn't interested in WHAT we can do for Him. He can do anything that He needs done! He doesn't want what we can do -- He just wants us! When Christ is allowed to express His life through us, it will be a ministry of supernatural life, not religious routine which leaves us frustrated and unfulfilled. The core of the Christian life doesn't revolve around DOING, but is grounded in BEING. The Christian life is the life of Christ. Our focus is a person, not a performance of religious activities.

Satan knows the best way to defeat Christians is to make them believe that obeying the law is the pathway to victory. It is impossible for YOU to fulfill the law. If you really want to live a godly lifestyle, the focus of your life must be HIM. Not church, not religious activity, not
a moral lifestyle, not obeying His commands. JUST HIM! The only one who can live the Christ-life is Christ."

Good words to ponder on this President's Day -- 2005

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